As part of a comprehensive evaluation, a wide range of medical and specialized cardiopulmonary tests are available to aid in the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and disability rating of a full spectrum of internal medical and cardiopulmonary disorders which include the following:
This safe and effective test is used to identify and characterize the reactivity of the respiratory airways. It involves repeat spirometry before and after inhalation of low doses of methacholine. Individuals with asthma and other reactive airways disorders show an increase in reactivity above normal (they have hyper-reactive or twitchy airways).
This test measures how fast one can expel air from the lungs using the greatest effort. It is a useful tool helpful in the monitoring and treatment of individuals with obstructive and reactive airway disorders such as asthma in which the airways are narrowed and the flow of air during forced exhalation may be limited.
One of the critical functions of the lungs and respiratory system is to provide adequate amounts of oxygen into the bloodstream to support the needs of metabolic activities. Oximetry is an effective non-invasive means to assess the adequacy of blood oxygenation by measuring the oxygen saturation of the arterial blood. Normal oxygen saturation levels are usually between 95% and 100%.
This routine non-invasive test evaluates the heart rhythm, determines whether the electrical system of the heart is functioning properly and whether parts of the heart might be enlarged or damaged.
This provides a useful objective determination of functional exercise capacity and impairment in individuals with a wide variety of lung, heart and other conditions. It is a helpful tool and index in assessing the patient’s abilities to perform daily activities. It has also been widely used for pre-operative and postoperative evaluation and for measuring the response to therapeutic interventions for respiratory and cardiac disease.
Full tests of lung function are an important tool to evaluate and recognize conditions that affect the function of the lungs. They also pay a key role in disability evaluations for determining impairment due to lung disease. Studies of lung function range from relatively simple to more complex procedures and may include spirometry, postbronchodilator spirometry, lung volumes, and diffusion capacity.
Spirometry is the lung function test which measures the movement of air entering and leaving the lungs during various breathing maneuvers. This test is simple to perform, safe and provides important information about airway function and the effects of various conditions on the lungs and respiratory tract.
Following administration of a bronchodilator, spirometry is done to evaluate for the presence of obstruction of the respiratory airways that may be partially or completely reversible. This procedure can provide important information about the severity of lung disease, potential responsiveness of the airways to medication and help better determine whether current therapy is optimal or has been beneficial.
This test measures the size of the various compartments of the lungs and allows one to tell if they are too big (as in emphysema) or too small (as in interstitial lung disease such as asbestosis). In combination with spirometry, they are the best way to recognize and confirm the presence of an obstructive airway or restrictive ventilatory disorder.
Diffusion testing measures the transfer of gas from the air sacs of the lung to the blood stream. It is an important means to determine if there is damage to the air sacs (alveoli) as occurs in scarring diseases such as emphysema or asbestosis.